Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sermon Preached at Salem during Witch Scare

 This was preached at Salem in 1692. I have an ancestor on my
mothers side hung at 
Salem -- Martha Allen Carrier. Her last words were "I'd rather die than confess" then the rope snapped her neck. The executions and trials came to an end when ordered by the governor to stop as people realized they were not likely actual witches. Interesting to see what they were preaching from Scripture at Salem at the time.

"Occasioned by dreadfull Witchcraft broke out here a few weeks past, & one Member of this Church, & another of Salem upon publick examination by Civil Authority vehemently suspected for She-Witches, & upon it Committed.
6. John. 70.
Have not I chosen you twelve, & one of you is a Devil.
Our Lord Jesus Christ knows how many Devils there are in his Church, & who they are.
1. There are Devils as well as Saints in Christs Church.
2. Christ knows how many of these Devils there are.
3. Last: Christ Knows who these Devils are.

There are Devils as well as Saints in the Church of Christ: Here 3 things may be spoken to
1. Show you what is meant here by Devils
2. That there are such Devils in the Church
3. Last: That there are also true Saints in such Churches

1. What is meant here by Devils. One of you is a Devil
By Devil is ordinarily meant any wicked Angel or Spirit: 
Sometimes it is put for the Prince or head of the evil Spirits, or fallen
Sometimes it is used for vile & wicked persons, the worst of such, who for their villany & impiety do most resemble Devils & wicked Spirits. 
Thus Christ in our text calls Judas a Devil, for his great likeness to the Devil. One of you is a Devil i.e. a Devil for quality & disposition: not a Devil for Nature, for he was a man &c. but a Devil for likeness & operation. 8. Joh. 38. 41 44Ye are of your Father the Devil.

2. There are such Devils in the Church: 
Not only sinners but notorious sinners; sinners more like to the Devil
than others. 
So here in Christs little Church. This also Christ teacheth us in the Parable of the Tares. 13. Matth. 38. Where Christ tells us that such are the Children of the wicked one. i.e. of the Devil.
Reason: Because Hypocrites are the very worst of men.

3. Last: There are also true Saints in the Church. 
The Church consists of good; & bad: as a Garden that has weeds as
well as flowers
: & as a field that has Wheat as well as Tares. Hince the Gosple is compared to a net that taketh good & bad. 13. Matt. 47. 48. 49. 50. Here are good men to be found, yea ye very best; & here are bad men to be found, yea ye very worst: Such as Shall have the hightest seat in glory; & such also as shall be cast into the lowest & fiercest flames of misery. Saints & Devils. Like Jeremiahs Basket of figs. 24. Jer. 1-4.

Examine we our selves well, what we are: what we Church-members are: We are either Saints, or Devils, the scripture gives us no medium. The Apostle tells us we are to examine our selves. 2 Cor. 13. 5. Oh it is a dreadful thing to be a Devil, & yet to sit down at the Lords Table. 1 Cor. 10. 21."
The Sermon Notebook of Samuel Parris: 
Sermon March 27, 1692
Samuel Parris

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