Saturday, May 11, 2024

Darwin, Marx, Freud - NOTHING NEW

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; 
and that which is done is that which shall be done:
and there is no new thing under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9

"They created their own concept of good and evil.
This dismissal of absolutes set many modern people to rebel against the Holy Scriptures.
These secular ideas soon gave birth to three new pervasively influential liberal movements that have brought catastrophic consequences to our day:
Darwinism [evolution],
Marxism [democratic socialism and revolutionary communism],
and Freudianism [the removal of sin and guilt].
Their founders, Charles Darwin [1809-1882], Karl Marx [1818-1883], and Sigmund Freud [1856-1939] all expressed contempt for Christianity.

Such men as Adolf von Harnack [1851-1930] in Germany, Alfred Loisy [1857-1940] in France, R.J. Campbell [1867-1959] in England and Walter Rauschenbusch [1861-1918] in America glorified and praised the new advances of liberal sciences while denying the truths of the Bible.
These infidels, many of whom studied theology and philosophy said that in the modern age, it was old-fashioned to take the Bible literally.

Religious Liberalism which has dominated European Protestantism since the 1890’s and American Protestantism since the 1930’s is not a “new” expression of religion, but only unbelief clothed in a modern garb and deceitfully using the language of traditional Christianity in a new sense of doubt.

The concept of evolution, which rejects the Biblical record of
creation and advocates the ideal that man evolved through natural processes, was not new to
Charles Darwin
Many pagan people and ancient Greeks had expressed similar ideas.

Sigmund Freud, a behavioral psychiatrist, believed that there is no
such thing as sin, guilt for sin or repentance from sin because people really have no control over their own actions. 
He taught that every action is determined by “unconscious drives,” especially sex drives, which we have no control over.

Left-wing politics and socialism trace their origins to
Karl Marx,...the chief founder of two of the most powerful liberal movements in history – democratic socialism and revolutionary communism
He very early came to despise both Judaism and Christianity, and throughout his life he exhibited a violent hatred for God and humanity.
As a student at the University of Berlin, Marx came under the spell of the liberal German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel. Marx accepted and applied Hegel’s reasoning by rejecting God’s revelation of beginning, end, and history.

The Social Gospel is the idea that the preaching of the Gospel can be better fulfilled through social activism and the promotion of societal change rather than the historical, God-appointed method of preaching Biblical doctrines."

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